I was in an Irish band called Irish Jones in the late 90’s with three of the most talented and finest people ever to play music.  For St. Patrick’s Day 2021 our lead singer, Eileen, digitized some of our home videos her Mom had made and sent them to us.  They are an amazing look back at a great time in my life.  As I watched the videos, I heard songs and music that we created together, some original to us.  It made me fondly remember a time where we played music and shared it with others for the pure joy of it.

Music is an amazing concept.  From the same notes and the same octaves that Beethoven and Vivaldi used to create their works, we created our music.  Same holds true for any musician in any genre, at any time in history, whether professional or amateur.  The only variable is each person’s ability to create in a different way.

This made me think about how important creation is for leaders.  Leaders must create for our people.  We must create not for final judgment or decision; we create to start collaboration.  We create small and big ideas and then let our people run with them.  Remember leaders are at all levels, so anyone can be a leader who creates.  Leaders are not always people at the top of organizations.

What can we as Leaders create?

– Ideas (plant the seed in the fertile mind of others and see how it grows)

– Opportunities (for our people and for our organizations)

– Good will (be the leader that mentors and sets the example for the next generation)

– Respect (for others first and that leads to others respecting us)

The bottom line; we create to inspire others, whether musically or intellectually.