In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on that object.  We normally don’t associate leadership with energy, especially via the engineering theories we all learned, but I contend that energy is a strong leadership trait.

In a recent meeting, I was proposing a new concept to our corporate entity.  I came in with data and a compelling case for why this concept should move forward.  Most in the room were excited and asked insightful probing questions.  The one exception was the highest-ranking person in the room, notice I did not call them the leader!

This person was not actively advocating against my idea, but was not supporting it either.  As the meeting progressed, others noticed this person’s lack of enthusiasm for the idea.  The energy was literally sucked from the room because of it.  Without hearing any objections from anyone at the meeting, the decision was made not to proceed.

I was prepared for hard questions and scrutiny; I was not prepared for a complete lack of energy.  It’s hard to think of a worse trait than a leader without energy.  As leaders we have to understand how our emotions and actions affect others, we have to act like others ideas are important.  I’m not saying we have to agree all the time, but when we don’t, disagree with energy and facts!

So, how should we as leaders share our energy with others?

– Be excited over others work or efforts (energy is contagious once a leader starts the process)

– Advocate for a project (whether yours or your team’s, let your energy be the catalyst to kick start new endeavors)

– Show interest in small things (apply your energy to everyday accomplishments, inside and outside of work. No matter how small, your energy is never wasted when inspiring others)

The bottom line; our energy as leaders can be contagious, our lack of energy could be devastating!